Obsolete or Discontinued Items

Products that have been Discontinued

This page lists products that have been discontinued or are not longer available on the market.

Short Description

SKUProduct NameDescriptionDate
TY10G Archival Hard Structure Tyvek® Tyvek Style 10G, sometimes called Tyvek Crate Liner 10/13/2022
TLS044020 Ragmount Adhesive Tissue 8 1/2 x 11


TLS044022 Ragmount Adhesive Tissue 16 x 20


TLS044024 Ragmount Adhesive Tissue 40 1/2 x 150' Roll


DCP Document Cleaning Pads A soft, fine non-abrasive white powder & pad that gently removes surface dirt & dust without damaging the document.


TLS7501 Matsuo Paper acid-free light weight paper is handmade in Japan from 100% Kozo fiber
